Principal’s Message

I, Gillian King-Hughes, am eager and excited to embark upon this new journey of learning as your leader here at JLO Communications Magnet. I am a dedicated instructional leader who has spent the last 20 plus years in education here in St. John the Baptist Parish. I am a proud product of SJBP public schools and am also married with three daughters. Experienced in K-12, I have been a career teacher at the middle and high school level in both regular and special education. Spending many years at ESJH, I served as a lead teacher and mentor, as well as serving as a Master Teacher of Pre-K and K-8 grade at LPE. I also served as an Assistant Principal at GMMS and STEM. My last two years I served as the Program Administrator for STEM Magnet. With extensive experience in data driven instruction, the leadership teams of LPE and GMMS grew and received Top Gains schools, while STEM Magnet became an “A” Magnet HS Program!
It is my passion and purpose to ensure high quality education for the children in my community because education provides opportunity. Ory has a rich culture, tradition and school pride that we will work together to continue as well as ensuring academic excellence in all that we do.
As we journey together this new school year, it is my goal to excel in all that we do by offering scholars opportunities to the highest height, as the Ory Eagles will fly and continue to SOAR even higher!!!
We will work together to continue to build a positive school community, culture and climate that will always be positive, productive and in the best interest of our scholars.
Teaching and learning from bell to bell is a priority and will be evident daily in all that we do. Our school environment will be safe and supportive as we will ensure (PBIS) is also evident and practiced daily.
I look forward to getting to know all Ory stakeholders; parents, scholars, faculty, staff and our community and forming relationships as we continue ensuring our academic environment of excellence!! Ory ALIVE in 2024-2025.
Thankfully Yours,
Gillian King-Hughes